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Augmedix Demo Content – 01

October 12, 2023

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Level One Topic

Listen to the audio carefully and take notes, then complete the quiz. After the quiz you will be able to see an example patient encounter document.

Bangla Translation.

Below is an example Patient Encounter Document based on the transcript you just heard:

Patient Encounter Document
Cardiologist: Dr. John Parker
Date: October 12, 2023
Patient: John Smith
DOB: July 8, 1957
Medical Record Number: 987654321
Chief Complaint: Mr. Smith presented with complaints of chest pain and associated symptoms.
History of Present Illness: Mr. Smith, a 66-year-old male, reported experiencing chest pain for the past several weeks. He described the pain as a squeezing sensation located in the center of his chest, radiating to the left arm, rated at 6-7/10 in intensity. The pain is typically triggered by physical activity, such as gardening or climbing stairs, and is associated with shortness of breath, dizziness, and occasional nausea.

Past Medical History:
1. Hypertension, treated with lisinopril.
2. Non-smoker.
3. Occasional alcohol consumption.
4. No known allergies to medications.

Family History: Father had a heart attack in his early 60s, and mother has a history of hypertension.
1. Lisinopril for hypertension.

Assessment and Plan: Based on Mr. Smith’s presentation, risk factors, and physical examination, there is a concern for possible cardiac involvement. The following steps have been taken:
1. EKG: An EKG was performed, which showed ST-segment depression in leads II, III, and aVF. Cardiac enzymes were ordered and revealed elevated troponin levels.
2. Medication Adjustment: Mr. Smith will continue lisinopril for hypertension management.
3. Nitroglycerin: Nitroglycerin has been recommended for chest pain relief as needed, and proper instructions were provided.
4. Stress Test: A stress test is scheduled to assess cardiac function and exercise tolerance.
5. Cardiology Consultation: Mr. Smith will be referred to a cardiologist for further evaluation and consideration of coronary angiography.

Follow-up: Mr. Smith is scheduled for a stress test on XXXXXXXX. He is instructed to call 911 if he experiences severe chest pain before this appointment.

Scribe: [Name]
Supervisor: Dr. John Parker

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Level Two Topic

Listen to the audio carefully and take notes, then complete the quiz. After the quiz you will be able to see an example patient encounter document.

Bangla Translation.

Below is an example Patient Encounter Document based on the transcript you just heard:

Patient Encounter Document
Cardiologist: Dr. John Parker
Date: October 12, 2023
Patient: John Smith
DOB: July 8, 1957
Medical Record Number: 987654321
Chief Complaint: Mr. Smith presented with complaints of chest pain and associated symptoms.
History of Present Illness: Mr. Smith, a 66-year-old male, reported experiencing chest pain for the past several weeks. He described the pain as a squeezing sensation located in the center of his chest, radiating to the left arm, rated at 6-7/10 in intensity. The pain is typically triggered by physical activity, such as gardening or climbing stairs, and is associated with shortness of breath, dizziness, and occasional nausea.

Past Medical History:
1. Hypertension, treated with lisinopril.
2. Non-smoker.
3. Occasional alcohol consumption.
4. No known allergies to medications.

Family History: Father had a heart attack in his early 60s, and mother has a history of hypertension.
1. Lisinopril for hypertension.

Assessment and Plan: Based on Mr. Smith’s presentation, risk factors, and physical examination, there is a concern for possible cardiac involvement. The following steps have been taken:
1. EKG: An EKG was performed, which showed ST-segment depression in leads II, III, and aVF. Cardiac enzymes were ordered and revealed elevated troponin levels.
2. Medication Adjustment: Mr. Smith will continue lisinopril for hypertension management.
3. Nitroglycerin: Nitroglycerin has been recommended for chest pain relief as needed, and proper instructions were provided.
4. Stress Test: A stress test is scheduled to assess cardiac function and exercise tolerance.
5. Cardiology Consultation: Mr. Smith will be referred to a cardiologist for further evaluation and consideration of coronary angiography.

Follow-up: Mr. Smith is scheduled for a stress test on XXXXXXXX. He is instructed to call 911 if he experiences severe chest pain before this appointment.

Scribe: [Name]
Supervisor: Dr. John Parker

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